Sneaky Cold-Weather Pests – What to Watch Out for This Winter

When temperatures begin to drop, many different types of wildlife start looking for shelter. Unfortunately, many homeowners find them invading their homes.

Just when you think you’re done dealing with summer bugs, winter brings out its own set of sneaky pests. When temperatures begin to drop, many different types of wildlife start looking for shelter. Unfortunately, many homeowners find them invading their homes. Some species require extra precautions to keep them out beyond simple pest proofing.

If you notice signs of pests in your home, contact Titan Pest & Wildlife Solutions. We offer a wide range of interior and exterior pest control solutions. Here are some nuisance pest signs to watch out for this winter!

Common Winter Pests

There are many different species of wildlife that you may encounter this winter. However, here are three of the most common nuisance pests to watch out for in and around your home.


They are one of the most challenging animals to deal with. An adult raccoon can grow up to three feet in length and can be pretty fearsome. They generally build dens in secluded burrows, hollow trees, and rock crevices. But they are just as likely to make a den in an attic, garage, or crawlspace.

Raccoons are primarily attracted to garbage or any other food source. Once they get into a home, they can cause significant property damage and spread diseases to humans and pets such as rabies and salmonella.

Signs to watch out for: Animal sounds in your attic, visible damage to walls, insulation, wires, and drywall, raccoon droppings and the smell of urine, and seeing unusual raccoon activity on your property.


Squirrels prefer to live in trees in the wild, but they are known to invade homes and other structures to stay warm in the winter. While they are not considered dangerous to humans, they are very destructive. They chew electrical wires and telephone lines outside and on wires, drywall, insulation, and other materials when they enter a house.

Signs to watch out for: Squirrel droppings, strange noises in the attic, signs of chewed drywall, electrical wires, or insulation, foul odor, and increased squirrel activity.

Rodents – Mice & Rats

Rats and mice are much more than a nuisance. They get into walls, attics, basements, sheds, garages, and any other areas they can find food, water, and shelter. When they infest such sites, they often cause damage. They can also carry different diseases that can pose a health risk to humans.

Signs to watch out for: Chewed boxes, insulation, wires, stored items, food containers, rodent droppings scattered across areas they frequent, strong urine smell, and sitings of these animals.

Pest Control Services

As soon as you notice the presence of pests in your home, do not hesitate to give us a call. The longer you wait, the bigger the issue is likely to become. We protect people, homes, businesses, and facilities from all nuisance wildlife and pests. We are committed to providing quality pest control services while treating every animal with the highest standard of care.

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