Millipede Pest Control

There are more than 1000 species in the U.S., and many of them call Missouri their home.

They look for moisture and so are often found in basements, attics, and garages. Getting rid of them can be challenging since they tend to build their nests in unique places.


At Titan Pest & Wildlife, we have over 15 years of experience in the pest control industry. You will find the answer to all your pest control needs. With customized services created by highly trained pest management technicians, you can expect the best pest protection.

What are Millipedes?

Sometimes called “thousand leggers,” they actually only have 30 to 90 pairs of legs. These arthropods typically live outside, feeding on damp and decaying matter such as leaves, wood, and other vegetation. However, they frequently enter a home in the fall when they migrate indoors to seek an area to hibernate. They may also retreat indoors to look for refuge when heavy rainfall and water levels rise outside.

Most millipedes grow between 1 to 4 inches in length, depending on the species. The first three or so body segments only have one pair of legs each, and the rest have two pairs each. Most are typically black or brown; some have a mottled pattern or bright red or orange markings. The millipedes with these bright colors often produce and secrete a toxic or bad-smelling substance they use in self-defense. Millipedes move slowly and have a rigid, subcylindrical shape.

What are Centipedes?

Centipedes are a type of arthropod with a flat, elongated, segmented body. Each segment has a pair of legs. They come in a variety of colors and patterns, but they are typically gray-brown and reddish-orange. Depending on the species, they can have between 15-177 legs; the number of pairs will always be odd.

A centipedes lifespan varies depending on the species. Some live for a year, while others can live for 5 to 6 years. Like millipedes, centipedes prefer to live outdoors. However, there are reasons they may move indoors. If it gets too hot or dry outside, they will move into homes and other buildings through gaps and cracks in the foundation or doors and windows. People often find them in kitchen cabinets, in the bathroom, or in the basement, which is dark and damp.

Millipede and Centipede Prevention

The best way to prevent millipedes and centipedes from invading your home is to seal the areas around your home where they could enter. Caulk gaps around windows and doors, seal cracks in your home’s foundation, and seal openings around pipes. Ensure that your gutters are clear and working correctly to prevent moisture from building up and entering your house. Remove piles of leaves and other debris from around your home. Finally, maintain a professional year-round pest control program with Titan Pest & Wildlife.

Integrated Pest Management System

Pest control is essential whether you want to protect your home or business. By utilizing an integrated pest management program, we ensure that we eliminate your current pests and prevent future outbreaks. These methods include:

  • Planning – We conduct a thorough inspection of your home and consider any factors contributing to current or future pest issues. Following this, we will create a customized treatment program specifically designed for your situation.
  • Initial pest control service – Our initial visit will focus on targeting and eliminating any current pest problems you have. We will ensure that any future issues are a matter of pest prevention.
  • Regularly scheduled service – At Titan Pest & Wildlife, we provide preventative maintenance programs to ensure that your home is and remains completely pest-free.

Contact Titan Pest & Wildlife

At Titan Pest & Wildlife, we make it our business to protect your home. Our residential pest control solutions provide a thorough pest management process designed to eliminate the bug problems you have now and, more importantly, prevent future infestations from happening.