Wasp & Hornet Removal

Wasps and hornets are two types of stinging insects you don’t want nesting around your home. However, keeping your yard or property free of wasps and hornets is not something that happens automatically.

Prevention is critical to make your property less appealing to stinging insects. If you have had problems with these insects in the past, you’ll likely reencounter them.

At Titan Pest & Wildlife, you will find the answer to all your wasp and hornet pest control needs.


Facts About Wasps and Hornets

The terms wasp and hornet are often used interchangeably, and this causes confusion. Another confusing aspect is that all hornets are wasps, but not all wasps are hornets.

To understand the difference between the two, knowing the primary distinctions between wasps and hornets is essential.

  • Wasps – Wasps are more miniature than hornets. They are predators that feed on other insects but are also attracted to sweets and proteins. They create their nests and typically build them near or on human structures, even though they prefer to be far away from people. They make both aerial and ground nests. Yellowjackets are aggressive, but paper wasps are not likely to sting unless threatened. Wasps come in a wide variety of colors.
  • Hornets – Hornets are larger and are very aggressive. They prey on other insects and are not attracted to sweets and proteins. They build only aerial nests that are globular in shape and made of paper. They are either black and white or reddish-brown.

The different species of wasps and hornets that you’re likely to encounter in the Kansas City & Kansas City area include:

  • European Paper Wasps – Their nests look like paper, which is where they get their name. They are small and are brown with some yellow markings.
  • Bald-Faced Hornets – These are black and white wasps. They have six legs, a set of antennae that point downward in front of their face. They have two sets of wings, with one group being much larger than the other. Their bodies have three segments – the head, thorax, and abdomen. They build their nests above the ground.
  • Yellow Jackets – They have a black and yellow pattern. They live in huge colonies and build their nests on the ground and up high on the eaves of buildings. They like sweet foods, which is why they are often present when people are eating outdoors. They are the most aggressive type of wasp.
  • Eastern Cicada Killers – Their name makes them sound scary, and they are large, but they are the most docile. Their abdomens are black with pale yellow bands, while their heads and thorax are brownish. They also have six legs, two antennae, and two sets of wings. They build their burrows in the ground.

Signs of an Infestation

Simply seeing a wasp or hornet buzz through your yard is not a sign of an infestation. However, during the summer, a wasp infestation can quickly become your backyard fun. To ensure that your family and friends are protected from the dangers of wasps and hornets, it’s essential to contact Titan Pest & Wildlife as soon as you notice these insects on your property. But, how do you know you actually have a problem? Here are some signs you’ll notice:

  • You’ll see them flying around your property, maybe several swarming around a single area.
  • Certain species chew wood to build their nests, so if you see holes or tunnels appearing in wooden surfaces on the exterior of your home, it may be wasps. (Could be termites or ants)
  • You’ll find a visible wasp nest made from chewed wood or mud.

They typically build their nests inside fixtures, under soffits, eaves, playhouses, and equipment around your yard. In some instances, wasp colonies can invade your attic and work their way into your home. If you notice large numbers of wasps or hornets, there is guaranteed to be a nest close.

Wasps and hornets can be very aggressive, especially when defending their nest. The stinger on a wasp contains venom that is transmitted when they sting. While a bee can only sting once, a wasp can repeatedly sting during an attack. The stings can be excruciating, cause swelling and irritation, and be potentially dangerous to people allergic to their stings.

Wasp Removal & Wasp Exterminator

Wasps and hornets are aggressive, invasive, and you want them gone. At Titan Pest & Wildlife, we want you and your family to stay safe and enjoy being outside in your yard. If you have a wasp nest on your property, do not attempt to remove it yourself, as this is dangerous. Calling a professional Kansas City & Kansas City wasp and hornet exterminator team will not only ensure that the procedure is done safely but it will also be done ethically.

At Titan Pest & Wildlife, we make it our business to protect your home. Our residential pest control solutions provide a thorough wasp and hornet management process designed to eliminate the problems you have now and, more importantly, prevent future infestations from happening.

You will find the answer to all your pest control needs. With customized services created by highly trained pest management technicians, you can expect the best pest protection.