Termite Control

Termites are one of the most numerous and destructive types of pests on the planet. It’s estimated that they cause billions of dollars worth of damage in the U.S. each year.

Termites gradually destroy the basic structures and foundations of a home or building. They are a menace for property owners who may have to spend considerable money on repairs. Therefore, if you notice signs of termites in your home, contact Titan Pest & Wildlife immediately.


The only way you can save on costly termite damage is by catching the infestation as early as possible. If you suspect some termite activity in or around your property, you should immediately get your home inspected.

What are Termites?

Termites, at first glance, are often mistaken for ants. They are similar in size and, depending on the species, have similar-looking bodies. They also tend to live in large colonies, just like ants. There is a reproductive couple in every colony, the queen and the king, and workers that perform all the other tasks besides reproducing. A colony’s size can range from only two termites (the queen and king) to millions of individuals.

Termites play an essential role in the ecosystem and maintain nature’s balance by breaking down various plant materials, including dead wood. There are more than 2,600 known species of termites worldwide, and of those, nearly 50 are found in North America. However, when termites invade residential property, they become a significant threat.

In the United States, there are three common types of termites that you need to be aware of. Knowing these types can help you understand where to watch out for these invaders:

  • Subterranean termites – These termites build colonies underground, and they need contact with soil to maintain moisture levels. They need a regular source of moisture to survive. This is the most common type of termite found in the U.S. Of the many species of subterranean termites, Formosan termites are the ones that are considered most aggressive and destructive by terminate control specialists because of their ability to survive without contact with soil.
  • Dampwood termites – These termites live in decaying and damp wood and require contact with water and a high humidity level for survival.
  • Drywood termites – Less prevalent in the home, but just as destructive, dry wood termites don’t need to nest in the ground and prefer dry areas for feeding and setting their colony.

Signs of Termites in Your Home

If your home is more than twenty years old, you can guarantee that your home has some degree of termite damage. While not all termite damage is severe, allowing them to continue to infest your house will likely lead to a future disaster.

Here are some of the most common signs of a termite infestation:

  • Termite droppings – They resemble coffee grounds or sawdust and are hexagonal in shape. The color is wood-like.
  • Swarms – One of the most evident signs of termite infestation is the presence of “swarmers” around your home. They are winged termites that fly in Spring to reproduce, and they will leave the wings behind, likely on windowsills. But swarmers are only present for a short time during the year, and termites can go undetected for a long time.
  • Mud tubes extend over support piers, floor joists, or walls and are used for termites to travel from underground colonies to their feeding grounds.
  • Damaged wood – Signs of termite activity are related to damage in the wooden structures of your home. The floors will start feeling spongy and show blisters and sagging in certain areas. Windows and doors that are suddenly difficult to open or close might also signify that termites have begun consuming the wooden framing, causing irregularities and deformations. Because termites usually consume the inner parts of the wooden structures, damaged wood will sound hollow when knocked.
  • Live termites – Any presence of live termites in and around the house is a sure sign, but the problem is that it is challenging to spot termites because they generally remain inside their colonies and within the wood. A professional termite control expert can help identify the presence of live termites.

Termite Pest Control in Kansas City & Kansas City

The biggest problem with termites is that you can’t usually see them or the damage they have caused until too late. They are exceptionally well-organized pests and can find a way inside any building. If you suspect a termite infestation, then you need to act now. The longer you wait, the greater the damage and costs.

Call Titan Pest & Wildlife in Kansas City & Kansas City today — we will get rid of your termite infestation with safe and minimal use of chemicals. Because of the proximity of humans to the infested areas, we take extra precautions to avoid any toxicity or allergies developing in our customers.

Some of our methods include:

  • Chemical Soil Treatment – The treatment is put around the building and on the bottom floor where the colony is likely near.
  • Termite Baits – Stations used to bait termites. These should be checked frequently for follow-up.
  • Renovation – Depending on the circumstances, removing wood in contact with soil may be needed or improving ventilation in these high-risk locations.