Bat Exterminator

Mismanaging bats can lead to bites. The genuine concern lies in their droppings, guano, which can harbor the fungus causing Histoplasmosis, a respiratory disease especially dangerous for vulnerable individuals.


Why Bats Choose Your Home

Bats seek shelter in human dwellings for stable temperatures and protection. They don’t create entry points but exploit existing ones. Their presence indicates a nearby water source, an attraction for these mammals.

Bat Removal with Titan Pest & Wildlife

Dealing with a bat infestation requires professional intervention, especially considering the protected status of some species. Titan Pest & Wildlife specializes in humane, safe, and legal bat removal. Our experts conduct thorough inspections, wear protective gear against guano, and follow all regulations for safe removal.

Our Integrated Pest Management System

We adopt a comprehensive approach to pest control, applicable to both residential and commercial properties:

  • Planning: We begin with an in-depth inspection and develop a customized treatment plan.
  • Initial Service: Our first visit focuses on eliminating current infestations and setting the stage for future prevention.
  • Regular Maintenance: We offer ongoing maintenance programs to ensure your property remains pest-free.

Contact Us for Expert Bat Control

Titan Pest & Wildlife is dedicated to safeguarding your home against pests. Our residential pest control solutions are designed to address current problems and prevent future infestations. Trust us for expert bat extermination and prevention services.

Understanding Bats: A Missouri Perspective

The presence of 14 bat species enriches Missouri’s ecosystem. These nocturnal marvels are not just fascinating; they’re ecological powerhouses. From pollinating plants to devouring thousands of mosquitoes nightly, bats significantly reduce pest populations and pesticide costs, saving the U.S. corn industry up to $1 billion annually.


Here are some intriguing bat facts:

  • Bats can live for over 30 years.
  • They reach speeds up to 60 mph in flight.
  • They navigate and hunt in total darkness.
  • Around half of U.S. bat species are endangered.
  • Many hibernate in caves during winter.
  • Bats typically birth one pup yearly.
  • Their guano is a highly potent natural fertilizer.

The Misunderstood Nature of Bats

Contrary to common misconceptions, bats are generally harmless to humans. They naturally avoid human contact and are less likely to contract rabies than other wildlife. However, mismanaging bats can lead to bites. The genuine concern lies in their droppings, guano, which can harbor the fungus causing Histoplasmosis, a respiratory disease especially dangerous for vulnerable individuals.

Missouri’s Bat Varieties

Missouri is home to several bat species, such as:

  • Big Brown Bat
  • Evening Bat
  • Tri-colored Bat
  • Northern Bat
  • Little Brown Bat
  • Gray Bat
  • Southeastern Bat
  • Indiana Bat