How to Identify and Get Rid of Carpenter Ants

If you suspect you have a carpenter ant infestation, it’s essential to act quickly to get rid of the ants before they can cause more damage to your home.

Many types of ants can be found in and around your home. Most species are little more than annoying and relatively harmless. However, other species do pose a threat, such as carpenter ants.

Carpenter ants are one of the most destructive pests that can infest your home. They get their name from their ability to excavate wood and create tunnels and nests inside it. If you suspect that you have a carpenter ant infestation, it’s essential to deal with them quickly.

How to Identify Carpenter Ants

If you suspect that you have a carpenter ant infestation, it’s essential to identify the ants quickly so that you can take steps to get rid of them. Here are some tips for identifying carpenter ants:

  • Carpenter ants can range in size from 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch in length.
  • They have a dark brown or black coloration. Carpenter ants typically have a shiny, black, or dark brown body with lighter-colored legs.
  • Carpenter ants have a narrow waist between their thorax and abdomen, giving them a distinct hourglass shape.
  • Carpenter ants create tunnels and nests inside the wood, which can cause wood shavings or sawdust to accumulate in the area.
  • Listen for rustling or tapping sounds coming from inside your walls or woodwork. Carpenter ants are noisy creatures, and you may be able to hear them moving around inside the wood.
  • Look for ant trails leading to and from your home. Carpenter ants typically forage for food at night, so you may see trails of ants moving in and out of your home during the evening hours.

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants

While many DIY methods exist for eliminating ants, a professional carpenter ant exterminator is the most effective and efficient option for eliminating a carpenter ant infestation.

At Titan Pest & Wildlife, we will identify the type of ant infestation and determine the best method to eliminate it. We will not only eliminate the current infestation but will also provide recommendations to prevent future infestations. We have the knowledge, tools, and experience necessary to quickly and effectively eliminate the infestation.

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