Can Squirrels Cause Property Damage?

If you suspect squirrels are wreaking havoc on your home, contact Titan Pest & Wildlife. We specialize in humanely trapping and removing squirrels and will repair the damage they caused.

Don’t let them fool you! Squirrels may look like cute little critters running up trees, gathering nuts, and scampering around your yard, but they can be among the most destructive to your home and property.

If you’ve discovered damage to your home, it may be the work of squirrels. While they may seem harmless, they can cause significant property damage. Chewed wires, structural damage, and attic damage are just a few of the problems they can cause.

Types of Damage Squirrels Cause

Squirrels are little mammals and part of the scientific order Rodentia. This means squirrels are rodents closely related to rats and mice. Most homeowners are familiar with the damage mice and rats can cause. Therefore, it’s no wonder squirrels can be just as destructive.

Here are some ways squirrels can cause property damage and what steps you can take to prevent it:

  • Chewed Wires – Squirrels are known to chew on just about anything, including wires. This can be particularly dangerous as chewed wires can lead to electrical fires. Squirrels can also damage insulation, which can cause your home to lose heat in the winter and cool air in the summer.
  • Structural Damage – Squirrels are excellent climbers who can easily climb up the side of your home or onto your roof. While on your roof, squirrels can cause damage to shingles and other roofing materials as they search for a place to build a nest. They can also chew through wood and other building materials, weakening your home’s structure.
  • Attic Damage – Squirrels often look for warm and dry places to build their nests; your attic can be perfect for them. Once they gain access to your attic, they can cause damage to insulation, wiring, and wood. They can also leave droppings and urine, creating a health hazard.

Squirrel Damage Prevention

You can take several steps to prevent squirrels from causing property damage. One of the best ways is to trim trees and shrubs close to your home. This will make it more difficult for squirrels to access your roof or climb up the side of your house.

You can also install wire mesh over vents and chimneys to prevent squirrels from gaining access to your home. Additionally, sealing gaps or holes in your home’s exterior can help prevent squirrels from getting inside.

Kansas City Pest Control Services

While squirrels may seem harmless, they can cause significant property damage. Chewed wires, structural damage, and attic damage are just a few of the ways in which they can cause problems. If you suspect squirrels are causing the damage on your property, contact Titan Pest & Wildlife. We specialize in humanely trapping and removing squirrels and will also repair the damage they caused.

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