Why Are There So Many Spiders in My Home?

Spider Control Kansas City

If your spider problem is bothering you in any way, contact Titan Pest & Wildlife Solutions, as we have the best methods to keep them out for good. Are you noticing more spiders in your home this winter? If so, it’s not an uncommon situation. Some outdoor spiders make their way indoors when temperatures begin …

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Are Cockroaches Dangerous to Humans?

Roach Exterminator Kansas City

The longer cockroaches are present, the higher the risk of you or your family members developing health complications as a result. Cockroaches are common insects found all over the world. Seeing them in your home is not necessarily a reason to panic. It’s not a sign that your home is dirty. Roaches are opportunistic; they …

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Sneaky Cold-Weather Pests – What to Watch Out for This Winter

Pest Control Services

When temperatures begin to drop, many different types of wildlife start looking for shelter. Unfortunately, many homeowners find them invading their homes. Just when you think you’re done dealing with summer bugs, winter brings out its own set of sneaky pests. When temperatures begin to drop, many different types of wildlife start looking for shelter. …

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