Does a Cold Winter Mean Fewer Insects This Spring?

Spring Pest Control

This winter has been relatively cold, with temperatures dipping below freezing on several occasions. So does a cold winter mean fewer bugs this spring? Unfortunately, homeowners and business owners will get little help from the bitterly cold temperatures. What actually impacts insect populations is not how cold it gets in the winter but when spring …

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That Creepy Crawly Thing In Your House – It Might Be a House Centipede

Kansas City Pest Control

Our comprehensive pest inspection is the only way to determine the root of a pest issue and the best way to solve it. A house centipede is one of the creepiest things you might have seen crawling around your home. They are definitely strange-looking insects. They are slender, with what appears to be hundreds of …

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Sneaky Cold-Weather Pests – What to Watch Out for This Winter

Pest Control Services

When temperatures begin to drop, many different types of wildlife start looking for shelter. Unfortunately, many homeowners find them invading their homes. Just when you think you’re done dealing with summer bugs, winter brings out its own set of sneaky pests. When temperatures begin to drop, many different types of wildlife start looking for shelter. …

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