Reclaim Your Yard with Professional Mole Control & Trapping Services

DIY solutions are often expensive and time-consuming, and, in the end, ineffective. Protect your yard by partnering with a trusted mole control company.

You may never see them, but you’ll see the damage they inflict on your lawn. Moles can quickly counteract all the expense, time, and hard work you put into designing and maintaining your landscape. Even just a few moles are enough to wreak havoc on your lawn.

If you notice mounds of dirt in your lawn or mulch, it’s likely moles tunneling underground, damaging your grass, flowerbeds, and garden. Taking action as soon as you notice them is key to eliminating a problem with moles.

At Titan Pest & Wildlife, our mole control and trapping experts have over 35 years of combined experience. We have successfully trapped thousands of moles and helped homeowners reclaim their yards.

Effective Mole Control & Trapping

Many homeowners spend hundreds of dollars improving and maintaining their lawns – planting, fertilizing, mulching, and beautifying their outdoor spaces. But so often, moles move in and cause an unsightly problem and pose a safety hazard for those who use the lawn.

Most DIY solutions are expensive, time-consuming, and ineffective. Even if you get rid of them, it’s only temporary because moles eventually return and start their destruction all over again. If this is your experience, break the cycle by calling Titan Pest & Wildlife. We use highly effective trapping methods to eradicate the moles in your yard for good.

Our effective mole control and trapping solutions include:

  • Planning – We thoroughly inspect your yard and consider any factors contributing to current or future mole issues. Following this, we will create a customized treatment program tailored to your situation.
  • Initial mole control service – Our initial visit will focus on targeting and eliminating any current mole problems you have. We will ensure that any future issues are a matter of pest prevention.
  • Regularly scheduled service – At Titan Pest & Wildlife, we provide preventative maintenance programs to ensure your home is and remains completely mole-free.

We know how to track moles, where to place traps, what baits to use, and how to treat tunnels so that new moles don’t come to replace old moles. We will also monitor your yard to ensure that all the moles on your property have been removed.

At Titan Pest & Wildlife, mole pest control is one of our specialties, and we are here to help! We offer professional residential mole control services for your home.

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