Common Rain and Flood Pests – How to Control Pests After a Flood

Not only does it cause damage to homes and spread dangerous bacteria, but it also causes a sudden influx of pests and insects.

Missouri is experiencing unprecedented rain and flooding this summer. With this extra amount of water comes many complications. Not only does it cause damage to homes and spread dangerous bacteria, but it also causes a sudden influx of pests and insects.

If you have pest problems due to the storms and flooding, contact Titan Pest & Wildlife Solutions today! Do not think an infestation will quickly disappear once conditions return to normal. We have the tools, products, knowledge, and experience to help you overcome the infestation of pests.

Common Pests After Rain and Flooding

We’re not the only ones affected by the heavy rains and flooding. Insects and wildlife have their homes ravaged by the rain as well. Just like humans sometimes need to seek shelter during and after a storm, pests do too. When their house is washed away, they seek a new hiding place. Unfortunately, they may find your home or property is the best new area.

Some of the most common insects and wildlife that homeowners deal with include:

  • Mosquitoes
  • Cockroaches
  • Camel crickets
  • Ants
  • House flies
  • Rats & Mice

We deal with these pests often, even when weather conditions are normal. But these pests can increase exponentially when we experience flooding and devastating storms. For instance, mosquitoes thrive under these conditions. Mosquito populations typically explode after a flood. Their itchy bites can be dangerous because of their ability to carry diseases like Zika or West Nile Virus.

The humid and wet conditions can also draw in cockroaches in large groves. They are another insect that thrives in flood-damaged areas. They breed fast, which makes it challenging to control an infestation.

Rodents are often forced out of their homes during flooding and seek shelter on higher ground. They’ll look for areas that are easy to get to and dry. They may find refuge in your attic even if your basement is flooded.

Pest Control Services After Flooding

If you are experiencing an influx of pests due to the heavy rains, contact Titan Pest & Wildlife immediately! Do not think an infestation will quickly disappear once conditions return to normal.

We offer a variety of interior and exterior pest control solutions. We understand that there aren’t any one-size-fits-all solutions for pests. We customize our plans to the specific requirements of each home and ensure that your needs and expectations are met with care and professionalism.

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