Preventative Bed Bug Strategies for Your Business

Commercial Bed Bug Control KC

You may think that managers of hotels and other hospitality industries are the only ones that need to take preventative bed bug measures. But bed bugs are a growing problem in many nonresidential environments, like office buildings and other commercial complexes. Bed bug threats used to be limited to homeowners, public housing, and hotels. However, …

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Why Are Bed Bugs So Hard to Kill?

Why Are Bed Bugs so Hard to Kill

At Titan Pest & Wildlife, we have more than 35 years of pest control experience. We will eliminate your bed bug infestation with safe and minimal chemicals. Bed bugs have a horrible reputation! In fact, discovering you have them in your home can be traumatizing. If you’ve found them, you’ve probably tried getting rid of …

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Bed Bugs – How Did They Get Into Your Home?

Bed Bug Exterminator

Bed bugs are hitchhikers and opportunists. Most people pick them up unknowingly either in a hotel, on a plane, or from some other type of public transportation. Have you found bed bugs in your home? They are some of the most unsettling bugs you can discover invading your home. In fact, finding out that you …

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