Flea Exterminator

Serving Kansas City & Kansas City – A flea infestation typically comes from pets. Fighting a flea infestation is complex. Call Titan!

To completely eradicate the problem, pets must be adequately treated for fleas, and the source must be identified. If you have fleas in your yard, they will continue to find their way inside your home. At Titan Pest & Wildlife, we offer an all-encompassing approach to flea extermination. We will identify all possible sources and solutions, including exterior and interior flea control services.


Signs of a Flea Infestation

Have you noticed your pet constantly biting or scratching their fur? Do they look like they’re in some discomfort – is it a skin infection or fleas biting? There are a few signs to look for before you take your animal to the vet. Some of the indications that you’re dealing with fleas include:

  • Fleas crawling on your pets coat – they are typically reddish-brown and about 2mm long.
  • Welts, red skin, and hair loss on your pet – there are other issues that cause these, but often it’s fleas.
  • Fine black droppings on your pets skin. This is flea dirt or adult flea feces – it looks like ground black pepper.
  • Flea dirt on pet bedding, carpets or rugs.
  • Bites around your ankles and knees – it’s likely fleas.

Fleas – Symptoms & Risks

Your dog or cat can pick up high jumping fleas while running through the yard or from other animals they come in contact with.

Fleas are annoying insects – they bite and cause intense itching. In most cases, the red bump and itchiness slowly disappear without any long-term effects on your health. The number of flea-borne disease cases in the U.S. is relatively minor.

However, it is a good idea to know about the different possible diseases they can carry. Fleas transmit disease and parasites and can cause allergic reactions in more sensitive people and pets.

Flea saliva can cause skin dermatitis in humans, which generally appears as patches of itchy bumps or a rash. Some people have asthma-like reactions when they inhale flea feces.

It’s not uncommon for pets to react adversely to flea bites. Dogs and cats can develop flea hypersensitivity or flea-bite dermatitis. This can lead to lesions on the skin and often leads to hair loss.

How to Get Rid of Fleas

The thought of having a flea infestation is enough to make most people’s skin crawl. No one wants these little jumping, biting insects attacking their pets or themselves.

You can do several things to prevent fleas, but over-the-counter products are not effective once you have an infestation. This is primarily due to their life cycle. Flea bombs and foggers may kill the active fleas in your home, but they will not kill the eggs. However, there are some things you can do to help.

  • Vacuum carpets, rugs, furniture, and cracks in floorboards. This will get rid of the fleas and larvae.
  • Be sure to empty the vacuum receptacle outside so that they don’t make their way back into your home.
  • Groom your pets regularly with a flea comb and wash their bedding using hot water.
  • Use an appropriate flea spray, powder, or soap on your pets to kill any fleas.
  • Call a flea control company.

Flea Exterminator & Flea Control

If vacuuming and laundering are not enough, or when your pets continuously get fleas, it’s time to call in a professional flea control company. Fleas have become very resistant to pyrethroid insecticides, so proper chemical management is essential.

At Titan Pest & Wildlife, we will eliminate your flea infestation with safe and minimal use of chemicals. Because of the proximity of humans to the infested areas, we take extra precautions to avoid any toxicity or allergies developing in our customers.